Building ✨Assist
Showing the design process behind our new customer response toolbar
Product Design
Design Systems
I was the lead product and visual designer on this project.
Jan 2023 - Present (two phases)
Our team explored implementing several of AI's applications in our products, starting with an MVP suite offering LLM-based comment analysis, chatbot and executive summaries.
Due to a finite budget, our team was to compromise and hone in one specific application of AI that would be most lucrative to our customers in the shorter term.
A set of basic customer response tools based around the ability to reply to a customer with unprecedented speed using AI.
Reduced time to draft a customer response by 80%
Increased two major clients' satisfaction metrics by 15% and 6% respectively, during MVP stage
Successfully built a white-labelled AI design system, compatible with all our brands' CX products
Design stages
Pivoting focus to customer response
Qualitative insights from testing our MVP revealed clients were primarily keen on using the AI chatbot portion of our MVP to draft swift but detailed responses for their customers.
Iterations and launching ✨Assist
Initially, we assumed this feature would be a simple "Write with AI" button embedded in existing response fields throughout our apps.
Benchmarking our ideas against competitors and AI response tools in the wild revealed a longer list of requirements and constraints we needed to solve for with this feature.
After several major iterations, we reached a solution where the AI options were to be bottom-aligned within the text field. This orientation felt more subtle and not as forced. Also, placing the toolbar at the bottom of the text field does not obstruct users from writing a response on their own.
Developments along the way included:
design all-new marketing graphics and a video to launch the feature
pendo guide